
Admission 2023

The Institute of Doctoral Studies (ISD)


 “Ovidius” University Constanța(UOC) is an accredited institution of higher education that organizes PhD, ScD and MD studies, hereafter named IOSUD-UOC.

Doctoral studies are organized in the following research fields of the doctoral schools authorized to function: Philology, Theology, Biology, Medicine, Dentistry, History, Mathematics.

Doctoral Schools are:

  •  Doctoral School of Humanities;

Fields of research: Philology and History;

  •  Doctoral School of Applied Sciences;

Fields of research: Biology;

  •  Doctoral School of Medicine;

Fields of research: Medicine

  • Doctoral School of Theology;

Field of research: Orthodox Theology

  •  Doctoral School of Mathematics

Field of research: Mathematics

  • Doctoral School of Dentistry;

Fields of research Dentistry


The duration of a doctoral studies programis usually of three years, exception being made by the doctoral studies program in the field of medicine, which lasts for four years. The duration is counted from the date of enrollment to the date of the public defense of the thesis.



Doctoral studies are organized on the basis of a contract between the doctoral student, the doctoral supervisor, the Doctoral School, and UOC. The contract establishes the rights and obligations of the doctoral student, the doctoral supervisor and, through the respective doctoral school, of “Ovidius” University. The contract also includes an appendix containing the individual research plan for the doctoral studies.

The financial sources of the doctoral programs are: state subsidized seats, private tuition fee, sources from research grants.


The doctoral studies program, planned for three or four years, is divided into academic semesters, as follows:

• a) Year 1: a training program based on advanced academic studies, organized by each Doctoral School, according to its expertise and research fields, and consisting of activities varying from highly specialized courses, seminars, laboratory research and the like. These activities run for 12 weeks (14 in the medical fields). Year 1 cannot be extended or discontinued.

• b) Years 2, 3 (4):  Individual research work in the fields of science or artistic creation/sports performance done under the coordination of the supervisor. Individual programs are planned for the entire remaining period of doctoral studies.

The two components of the doctoral studies program: the advanced training program and the individual research program are mandatory for the completion of doctoral studies by the doctoral student.

Doctoral studies are completed with the public defense of an original research thesis, called doctoral thesis, which is the result of the research activity / artistic creation carried out by the doctoral student, during the doctoral studies program. The thesis must meet the format and content requirements set by the university’s regulations.

Doctoral Schools and Supervisors




Candidates may register for admission between 3rd May – 1st Julyto the on-line platform (, at the international students sectionwith the following documents:

  1. A registration form;
  2. Curriculum vitae (in English);
  3. A list of articles/publications by the candidate (in English), if any;
  4. Research Project
  5. Birth certificate (certified copy translated into English/Romanian);
  6. Marriage certificate, if birth name has been changed (certified copy translated into English/Romanian);
  7. High school diploma or equivalent (certified copy) translated into Romanian, over-legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country, the Embassy or Romanian Consular Office in the respective country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
  8. University Diplomas BA and MA and the Diploma Supplements / Academic Transcripts (certified copies) translated into Romanian, over-legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country, the Embassy or Romanian Consular Office in the respective country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
  9. A copy of the passport;
  10.  A certificate of competence in a largely-circulated foreign language, issued by the Department of foreign languages of ​​UOC, no earlier than two years prior to the admission examination (except for the candidates who have graduated a single or double specialization in a foreign language, clearly mentioned on the graduation diploma, or who have obtained an internationally recognized certificate of competence in a foreign language (e.g. CAE, TOEFLE, IELTS), B 2 level, at least.
  11. Medical certificate (in English)
  12. Document which confirms to stable residence (translated into Romanian)
  13. 2 Photos


On the basis of these documents, the Ministry of Education sends a Letter of Acceptance necessary to obtain the visa.


In the latter case, the payment order shall specify: the candidate's name, the info: “registration fee for doctoral school entrance examination, “Ovidius” University Constanța, doctoral field ...... ".

The receipt / payment order will be attached to the registration documents and submitted to the secretariat (Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.);


Candidates who graduated from universities outside Romania, in EU and EEA member states should submit a certificate of academic studies recognition issued by the Romanian Ministry of Education (CNRED-MEN);

Candidates who graduated from universities outside Romania in non-EU and EEA member states should submit a letter of acceptance issued by the ministry of Education (DRI-MEN).


Citizens of the European Union (EU) Member States, of the states belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) or the Swiss Confederation have access to doctoral studies under the same regulations like the Romanian citizens, stipulated by the Romanian law (the regulations refer to taxes, enrollment and registration fees, tuition fee, thesis defense fee).


Romanian citizens living in any country may have access to doctoral studies according to the current Romanian law of education, to bilateral agreements and unilateral offers and to the Ministry of Education (MEN) methodologies specifically designed for this purpose.


Candidates who have conducted studies outside Romania are required to submit a certificate of graduate studies recognition issued by the Romanian Ministry of Education (CNRED-MEN), in certified translation copy.


Upon registration, candidates from both EU-EEA member states and from non-EU-EEA states have to submit a certificate of competence in the Romanian language and / or in a largely-circulated international language, according to the language in which the respective doctoral school organizes its studies.


The certificate of competence in Romanian, issued at the end of the preparatory year or the certificate of competence in a foreign language ​​issued by the department of foreign languages of ​​UOC should be obtained no earlier than years prior to registration.


For registration for doctoral studies you have to pay 200 Euros. Tuition fees for doctoral studies you have to pay 3200-5000 Euros

The fees can be paid at Romanian Commercial Bank in Constanța or by bank transfer to the following bank account of “Ovidius” University: RO49RNCB0114032053160011 (SWIFT: RNCBROBU), code: 4301332.



At the beginning of September, 9-15 September 2023, you have to be in Romania for the admission contest.


Admission to the doctoral studies programs is based on an exam organized by each doctoral school in the research fields mentioned above. Each doctoral school/doctoral supervisor has both subsidized and non-subsidized seats open for the entrance examination and occupied according to the candidates’ individual results.

The prospective doctoral student has to pay a registration fee that may differ for each school and an enrollment fee upon registration as doctoral student.

Students whose parents belong to the university teaching staff are waived the registration fees.

University graduates and postgraduates (holding a master's degree or the equivalent) are eligible for admission in the doctoral school and for participation in the entrance exam. The university diploma held by students who graduated before the implementation of the 3-cycle higher education system is accepted and considered to cover the equivalent of the graduate degree, which became compulsory after the implementation of the 3-cycle system.

Attendance in the doctoral studies programs are of two kinds:

• full-time attendance;

• part-time attendance.

The admission to UOC’s doctoral studies is based on an exam held between September 9-13, 2019, consisting of an interview during which the candidate presents his/her research proposal, demonstrates his/her ability for research and knowledge of the particular field he/she has chosen the topic from. The research topics are posted on the website for each doctoral school. The only exception to the rule is the Doctoral School of Theology for which the candidate has to pass a written test and an oral examination.


The examination board consists of the doctoral supervisor, whom the candidate has opted for before the exam, and of at least 2 other doctoral supervisors/researchers in the respective Doctoral School, whose academic position should be Professor / Associate-Professor, or equivalent in a Research Institute. The chair of the board is the doctoral supervisor, the candidate has opted for prior to examination.


Candidates who obtain a grade equal to or higher than 8.00 are admitted according to the number of seats the doctoral supervisor has solicited, in the descending order of the admission grade results.


Candidates with equal grades, placed last on the admission list, are admitted for the remaining seats according to delimitation criteria set up by the doctoral school and made public three months prior to the examination date.


The candidate admitted and enrolled at the doctoral school becomes a doctoral student and maintains this status for the whole period of doctoral studies. Student enrollment is certified by the Rector within five days following admission.


The admitted candidate who fails to enroll during the five-day period following admission loses the obtained seat which is occupied by the next candidate ranked in the descending order of the admission grade results list.



After completing the enrollment procedure and signing the doctoral studies contract, the student acquires the status of doctoral student for the entire period of studies. Doctoral students may be affiliated at the university and obtain the position of research assistants or academic assistants, for the period of doctoral studies.

A doctoral student and a doctoral supervisor can preserve the respective status for only one doctoral school of UOC.

The doctoral thesis

The doctoral student who has completed doctoral studies in the doctoral school and has received the acceptance report from the doctoral supervisor and the advisory board, may submit the thesis and may request its public defense at the Secretary’s office of the Institute for Doctoral Studies (USD) of UOC.

The public defense of the thesis takes place in the presence of the doctoral board, whose members are approved by the Senate of UOC.


The PhD, ScD or MD title will be confirmed by the Ministry of Education, after the thesis and the whole defense process are validated by the National Council for Title Validation (CNATDCU) of the Ministry of Education (MENCS) through a confirmation order signed by the Minister of Education.


The PhD, ScD or MD diploma is issued by the UOC within 2 months after the reception of the Minister’s Confirmation Order.